Accend Networks San Francisco Bay Area Full Service IT Consulting Company

Network Security Assessment, IoT, and Compliance Audits

We have provided a wide variety of Network Security related services, each unique and specific to the client’s type of environments. See below for details for how our service relates to your environment and how we can help:


We’ve helped our SLED customers with deploying Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) products and migrating them from an existing legacy deployment, and with new installations. Other areas where can assist are Security Assessment, DFAR (Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations) assessment, and other government compliance audits.

Some example of our recent products and services :

For Small and Medium Business

Small and medium businesses are short-staffed or do not have the skill sets in-house; thus they need to quickly deploy and implement project with our help.

Some areas where we have helped :

For Corporations

Large corporations require specialized skill sets and look for CCIE level network consultants and subject matter expertise.

See how we’ve helped below :